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The Ethics in Psychoanalysis 2

  • Klaviergalerie Kaiserstraße Wien, Wien, 1070 Austria (map)

Seminar 2
of the VPS series “The Ethics in Psychoanalysis”


Poster PDF


In the fourth year of the VPS series on permanent education, Seminar VII by Jacques Lacan entitled The Ethics in Psychoanalysis is the working basis.

After Seminar VI Desire and its Interpretation, Seminar VII is the necessary logical consequence for our further work with Lacan's teaching.

Argument for the 4th continuous VPS seminar on Seminar VII The Ethics in Psychoanalysis by Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan formulates the psychoanalytic experience as an ethics of desire, with the relationship of human action to its desire at the center of our analytic reading. Accordingly, in the last session of July 6, 1960, Lacan asserts "that there is only one thing of which one can be guilty (...) and that is to have desisted from one's desire." (1)

After Lacan revealed in Seminar VI Desire and its Interpretation "the great secret of psychoanaly-sis,"(2) that secret which consists in the fact that the Other of the Other does not exist, in Seminar VII the orientation towards the real of analytic experience is the further formulation of what he had begun with in Seminar VI. The ethical dimension is based on the real because there is a path on which the point of its presence is asserted. Lacan now locates satisfaction beyond the symbolic. The jouissance that is formulated in this seminar is introduced by "the thing" that precisely cannot be written in the graph.

This 4th Continuous VPS Seminar on the Ethics of Psychoanalysis will be mediated through NLS teachers Miquel Bassols, Partricia Bosquin-Caroz, Gil Caroz and Avi Rybnicki on three dates (12.03.-13.03., 28.05.-29.05., 25.06.-26.06. 2021) in the presence of students of the Lacanfield Austria - Initiative Vienna.

Markus Zöchmeister

(1) J. Lacan: The Ethics in Psychoanalysis. Seminar VII, Turia + Kant. p. 380
(2) J. Lacan: Desire and Its interpretation. Seminar VI, Turia + Kant. p. 298.

Date, Time

Friday, 28.5.2021
20:00 – 22:00

Saturday, 29.5.2021
9.00 – 18.00

Further appointments:
Seminar 1: 12. and 13.03.2021
Seminar 3: 25. and 26.06.20


 20h00 Conférence de Miquel Bassols
Les pulsions et ses leurres


09h30  Conférence de Miquel Bassols
 L’objet et la chose

 11h30 Pause

 11h45 cas présenté par Sylvia Altenbacher, commenté par Miquel Bassols et Avi Rybnicki

 12h45  Pause déjeuner

 13h45  cas présenté par Helga Treichl, commenté par Miquel Bassols et Avi Rybnicki

 14h45  Conférence de Miquel Bassols
De la création ex nihilo

 16h45 Pause

 17h00 cas présenté par Karin Brunner, commenté par Miquel Bassols et Avi Rybnicki

Programme PDF


Miquel Bassols
Avi Rybnicki

Registration Seminar 2

For study package holders
I am a study package holder and register for seminar 2. I have already paid the costs for the seminar with the purchase of the study package.

For individual bookers / regular
I have not purchased a study package and am not a student. I book the participation in seminar 2 bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

For individual bookers / students
I have not purchased a study package and am a student. I book the participation in seminar 2 bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

22 May

XIX NLS Congress

11 June

Field Evening